The wonderful thing about these four postures is that you do not need to have taken a yoga class to do them safely in your own home. However, if you have knee, neck or back injuries or pain do be mindful as you move throughout the pose and stop if you feel any sort of pain arising.
Yoga can aid in digestive health by reducing stress, gas, bloating, and discomfort by increasing circulation, and introducing external physical movement of the gastrointestinal tract.
1. Parsva Sukhasana (Seated Side Bend)
This simple movement can help to relieve bloating and gas, as well as support overall digestion.
Sit on the floor in a cross-legged position, with your hands touching the floor at your sides
Raising your right arm straight into the air, start to slowly and gently lean lean to your left side, adjusting your left arm to have your palm or forearm on the floor
Look up at your raised hand if it is comfortable for your neck
The picture above is how you should look at this point
Hold here and take 3 slow and deep belly breaths
Slowly come back to centre and switch sides
2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist)
The twisting nature of this posture can encourage bowel regularity by providing an external influence of movement in the small and large intestine which can aid in peristalsis (the movement that moves food/waste through the GI tract)
Sit on the floor, with both legs as straight as possible in front of you
Starting with your left leg, bend bend your knee and cross it over your right leg at the knee, planting your right foot on the floor as close to the leg on the floor as possible.
Take your right elbow and place it on the outside of your left knee while you gently twist your upper body to the left. Place your left palm on the floor behind you
The picture above is how you should look at this point, making sure you keep the bent legs foot grounded during the whole stretch
Hold here and take 3 slow and deep belly breaths
Slowly come back to centre and switch sides
3. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow)
This combination of improve circulation and gently massage your organs to promote gut peristalsis.
Start on your hands and knees with a flat back and the top of your head perpendicular to the floor. Align your knees with your hips and have your wrists directly under your shoulders.
Starting with Cow Pose, on an inhale slowly tilt your pelvis so that your tailbone goes up and your belly moves down, creating a dip in your spine.
Gently roll your shoulders back and slightly raise your head by looking upward without forcing it. Go to where is comfortable for your neck.
Hold here and take 3 slow and deep belly breaths
Slowly come back the neutral position that you started in.
Flowing into Cat Pose, on your exhale imagine pulling your belly button back to your spine, tuck in your tailbone, curve your spine, and roll your shoulders forward so that you’re arching your back - much like a hissing cat!
Gently allow your head to fall naturally with the movement without forcing it downward
The picture above is close to how you should look at this point (I have back issues that don't allow the arch to be more centered)
Hold here and take 3 slow and deep belly breaths
Repeat this 3 times, as long as it feels fine for your knees, wrist and back
4. Apanasana (Knees to Chest)
This posture is a lovely movement that gently massages the large intestine to encourage bowel movements. Bonus: It is my favourite as it is very relaxing and can even help relieve lower back strain.
Lie on your back with your legs straight.
Slowly bend your knees and bring them toward your chest, using your arms to pull them closer without forceful pulling and without causing pain
The picture above is how you should look at this point
Hold here and take 3 slow and deep belly breaths
Slowly come back to centre and switch sides
The stress relieving and movement benefits of this mini-series will be so helpful for your mind and gut! I hope you enjoy! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!
Until next time,
Wishing you health and peace,
© 2021 Go With Goals